Opening the Inner Flute

The ‘Inner Flute,” is the SkyDancing Tantra™  term, for what you may know as the Central Channel or Sushumna. The purpose of this practice is to access and expand awareness of the life-force energy that moves naturally through the body. This practice supports you in being present, having a relaxed body-mind and an open heart. Another benefit is that it helps to amplify and redistribute sexual energy throughout the whole body. This practice is based on the teachings of SkyDancing Tantra™.

The Three Keys of Tantra

1. Breath

2. Sound

3. Movement

We are born knowing Tantra! The three keys are natural and fundamental to the human condition. The first independent act we take at birth is to breathe. After our first breath, we cry (sound) which expands the lungs. These two important acts are crucial for infants to make the shift from living in their mother’s womb to being able to live and breathe on their own. Next, the infant begins to move its arms and legs and explore the space around him/her.

The following practices can be done either standing with legs hip-width apart and knees slightly bent or lying comfortably on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. I recommend trying it both ways.

The Sipping Breath and “AHHH” Sound

The Sipping Breath amplifies awareness of the inhalation and allows you to draw the air deep into the abdomen. This type of breathing increases the amount of oxygen circulating in the body, which increases the sense of vitality and pleasure we can feel.

1. Begin by puckering your lips as if you are sipping through a straw. Leave a slight gap between the lips and inhale deeply through the mouth, allowing your abdomen to expand fully.

2. Then, relax the mouth and let the air flow out effortlessly, while making the sound “AHHH.”

The Pelvic Rock

Next, we add the external movement, called the Pelvic Rock.This practice opens the sacrum and helps to activate the sexual energy stored in the pelvic bowl.

1. In this practice, you will be focusing on moving the pelvis, by rotating it forward and backward. As you inhale, arch the lower back as the buttocks will stick out slightly. As you exhale, tuck the tailbone under, flattening the lower back. As the pelvis rotates, the whole spinal column is naturally engaged. This causes the head to fall back slightly (as you arch the back) and fall forward slightly (as you round the back).

2. Once you have this movement established you can add the Sipping Breath. Inhale through your pelvic floor, drawing energy up the Inner Flute (the energetic channel that runs from your pelvic floor to the crown of your head,) as you arch the lower back.

3. Exhale with an “Ahhh,” drawing energy down the Inner Flute and out through your pelvic floor. Go at a rate that feels right for you. You may begin to notice an increased awareness of your sexual/life force energy.

4. As you feel ready, try quickening the pace. Relax and enjoy the sensations that arise.

The PC Pump

Next, we add the internal movement, called the PC Pump or Kegel Exercise. This practice strengthens and tones the pelvic floor/PC (pubococcygeus) muscles. Becoming more aware of how to consciously engage these muscles will allow you to more effectively channel your sexual energy. This practice supports both men and women in having multiple full-body orgasms. It can help men to develop the ability to choose when, and if, they ejaculate.

1. Begin by bringing the focus of attention to the pelvic floor. Squeeze the PC muscles, as if you were stopping the flow of urine. See if you can isolate the various muscles around the urethra and anus.

2. Allow your arms to rest at your sides. As you inhale, contract your PC muscles. At the same time, squeeze your hands into fists as a reminder to do this PC contraction.

3. As you exhale, relax your hands and your PC muscles. Do this several times until it feels natural.

4. Next, add the Sipping Breath on the inhale and “Ahhh” on the exhale.

5. Once that is established, add the Pelvic Rock. On the inhale, sip in the breath as you arch the back and squeeze the PC and fists. On the exhale, make the “Ahhh” sound as you flatten the lower back and relax the PC and hands.

6. Once that is established, continue all the steps and, on the inhale, visualize energy moving up the Inner Flute from the pelvic floor toward the crown. On the exhale, visualize the energy moving back down the Inner Flute to the pelvic floor.

7. As you do this practice, you will become aware of increased energy and vitality circulating throughout the body.

Opening the Inner Flute increases awareness, vitality and, when done regularly, supports you in experiencing increased orgasmic energy- both inside and outside the sexual context!

© Crystal Dawn Morris, 2013, cell 928-862-0762

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